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Gordon Howard Centre
"The Place For Active Living"
Alzheimer’s Society Support Group: First Wednesday of every month 7:00 p.m.
Brain Injury Support Group – First Wednesday of the month.
Senior Centre Without Walls - provides educational and recreational programming in a fun and interactive atmosphere where all programming is provided over the phone. Programming topics include educational presentations, health and wellness, language classes, book clubs, travelogues and support groups. You may register for programs at anytime during the term. You will be mailed any materials related to a program such as pictures and presentation handouts. Participation is for individuals aged 55+, living anywhere in Manitoba and groups of older adults may also join. There is no cost to join, all programming is free of charge. More information provided at: www.seniorcentrewithoutwalls/Winnipeg
Stepping Up with Confidence
This is a program from Manitoba Mood Disorders. We will be mindfully moving our bodies for 30 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of mindfulness and breathing exercises created specifically for older adults.
It will be featured live on our Facebook page. Live Streamed at The Gordon Howard Centre 384 Eveline Street Selkirk, Manitoba every Tuesday at 10:00 am. To sign-up e-mail – Michael Carvalho @
We started a recreational league for Pickleball. If you want to have fun and get some exercise, this is for you. We play Mondays at 1:30 p.m. and Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. at the Memorial Hall. The cost is $3.00 for members. $4.00 for non-members. You don’t need experience, just come out and watch a game. Pre-registration is required.
Advanced Foot Care:
Are you High risk, Do you experience Diabetic feet, Do you have Callouses or Thick long Fungal Nails?
Too afraid to seek care. Come see us, we will help. This isn’t for regular foot care; this is when you have problems with your feet. Call: 204-785-2092
Volunteers Needed:
We need people who can come in and do prep work in the kitchen when we have our meals. Could work out to be about once a month. We need volunteer receptionists who would like to sit at the reception desk to help us out when people come in and you will be trained.
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