Gordon Howard Centre
"The Place For Active Living"
Centre Resource Page
Gazette Newsletter
If you have access to a computer at home or while on vacation, you can get the Gazette
e-mailed to you. Call the Centre at (204) 785-2092 and leave your name with the receptionist.
Manitoba 211
Manitoba is the province of Manitoba’s primary source of information for government and community-based health and social services. It is a free, confidential service, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in 150 languages. Check out their website: mb.211.ca
Other publications of interest:
Senior Scope is a magazine for 55+ - Read a copy on-line at: Senior Scope.com
Lifestyles 55 is a magazine for 55+ - Read a copy online at: Lifestyle55.net
Seniors’ Centre Without Walls - The Good Companions
If you have a computer at home, check out Senior Centre Without Walls. They offer all kinds of talks, interest items and all of it is free. If you do check it out, please give us feedback on your thoughts. The site also ofers a newsletter with all the activities listed.
Selkirk & District Seniors Resource Council Inc.
310 Christie Ave, Selkirk, MB. Phone: 204-785-2737
Selkirk Services to Seniors is looking for Volunteers
Volunteers are the very heart of the Selkirk & District Senior Resource center.
Our volunteer team is committed to the clients we serve and making a difference in our community
Volunteer Positions Available: Driver Escort; Friendly Visitor; Delivering Meals on Wheels;
Lifeline Volunteer