Gordon Howard Centre
"The Place For Active Living"
Frequently Asked Questions
Where did the Gordon Howard Centre get its name from?
The Gordon Howard Centre got its name from its founder Gordon Howard who’s vision was the creation of an organization to provide older adults/retirees with activities to keep them active in the community.
What is the mission or purpose of the Centre?
To enable older adults the opportunity to lead active, healthy and independent lives.
What do you offer at the Centre?
The Centre offers numerous weekly activities as well as informational workshops, special dinners, volunteer opportunities as well as the companionship and friendship of others. Please check out our monthly newsletter “The Gazette” for an update on upcoming activities.
When is the Centre open?
The Centre is open from 9 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday. However there are activities and events in the evenings and weekends as well.
Where is the Centre located?
The Gordon Howard Centre is located at 384 Eveline Street in Selkirk, Manitoba.
Do you have a newsletter?
Yes we have a monthly newsletter “The Gazette” that you can receive by email. Please register be emailing Elin MacLeod our Program Coordinator.
How much is your membership?
The Gordon Howard Centre’s membership fee is $30.00 per year. Membership is available to those 45 and over that reside in the City of Selkirk, RM of St. Andrews, and the RM of St. Clements.
When is your membership year?
The Gordon Howard Centre’s membership year is based on the calendar year (January to December).
How much are your activity fees?
We have a member fee and a non-member fee for all of our activities and events. Please stop by the Centre for activity fees as they vary depending on the length of the session.
Is there volunteer opportunities at the Gordon Howard Centre?
Yes we have several different volunteer opportunities. The Centre could not run without the help of our volunteers. To inquire about volunteer opportunities or to sign up please call our Program coordinator, Elin MacLeod by email programcoordinator@gordonhoward.ca or by phone 204-785-2092.
Do you rent out rooms at the Gordon Howard Centre?
Yes we have a large banquet hall, a commercial kitchen, a board room, and a multi-purpose room available for rent. Please call our executive Director Lee Hanson for room availability and prices.
What is the Gordon Howard Centre Logo?
The Centre’s logo is the Tree of Life. The tree of life means that you are not on an island, but are deeply connected to the world around you and dependent on it for your ability to grow and thrive.